Thursday, 14 July 2016

Preliminary: 1st & 2nd Day Filming and photos

1st Day 

The permission we asked the site office team for the use of the north hall stage was accepted. We made sure that everyone would arrive outside the north hall at the start of the period so we had the hour to film. However, the fact that we had limited time affected the outcome of the task. Everyone was stressed as time was taken from experimenting with the camera's settings, as well as moving chairs and things on stage so they were outside the shot. Additionally, the tripod we were given was broken so all the shots we filmed were hand held, making them wonky and look unprofessional. Harry found the he lip syncing aspect of the task difficult because he did not listen to the song before hand, yet he managed to do it successfully. It is also good that both Harry and Richard brought their guitars with them, otherwise we would have not been able to film. 
Overall, the first day filming was not very successful but we may be able to use some of the decent shots in areas of our music video. I certainly feel as though using a tripod and having a longer period of time to film would certainly increase the level of productivity and success of filming impressive looking shots. 


2nd Day 

After filming on the first day, Harry and Richard said that they will film them playing in their band studio as their practise hours are quite spontaneous and additional access may be denied. 
Unfortunately, I was not present on the second day of filming so I was unable to see how successful the day was. This is because I only had an hour to spare before my appointment in the city, but Harry could only make the afternoon. However, judging by the images taken on set, the second day was far more productive than the first and a variety of location were managed to be covered. 

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