Genre: Indie/alternative/rock. I feel as though the pitch for my music video will conform many conventions attached to this genre because it is cinematic and challenges popular music videos within the music industry. It is becoming more common for other music videos with the same genre to tell a story/include a narrative, as this can help to explain the lyrics to the viewer. Unlike a lot of indie music videos, mine will not include the band performing or lip syncing because we want ours to be enjoyed and appreciated like a film.
Basic premise:
I am pleased with this outcome of ideas my group and I thought of, as I feel as though it is something original - especially for a music video. Although the representations are hard to follow, the outline of the narrative is not, so the props and characters can be interpreted in any way depending on how a viewer sees it.
Love is the most importance theme in my music video, and it is represented through the stimulant. Therefore, the video is not about drug indulgence or drug abuse, but it will aim to demonstrate the complexity of love in a creative way.
Basic premise:
- Someone anonymous puts a stimulant in a drink next to a sleeping male character. After he wakes up and drinks the liquid he begins hallucinating and his vision goes wavy and more vibrant - this will be created through effects.
- A girl walks past him and he follows her, in an attempt of discovering who is behind the mask. The boy will not know that this 'someone' is the girl he loves, until the figure takes off the mask and reveals her identity.
- The audience will find out half way through the music video that it was actually the girl herself who put the stimulant in his drink.
- Throughout the video, she will disappear and keep reappearing, making the male character confused.
- The girl eventually takes off her mask and they meet face to face.
I am pleased with this outcome of ideas my group and I thought of, as I feel as though it is something original - especially for a music video. Although the representations are hard to follow, the outline of the narrative is not, so the props and characters can be interpreted in any way depending on how a viewer sees it.
Love is the most importance theme in my music video, and it is represented through the stimulant. Therefore, the video is not about drug indulgence or drug abuse, but it will aim to demonstrate the complexity of love in a creative way.
- The stimulant: Love. As the male character begins to hallucinate in the bed, the 'sparks' of first attraction are produced. Love is produced by the combination of three neurochemicals - phenylethylamine, norepinephrine and dopamine. Therefore, the effects expose the bonding of these neurochemicals and the formation of love in a visual way.
- The male character: The target of love - has caught feelings and can't escape it easily because humans cannot control who they fancy.
- The mask: A false identity. The phrase 'putting on a mask' to hide your inner emotions is a popular one, so by interpreting this in my music video, the mask has one solid emotion that cannot be changed, so the girl wears to to pretend nothing is affecting her.
- The girl character: Wanting to feel love (hence putting the stimulant in the drink), but not necessarily wanting to give it back - until the ending where she takes off her mask. She does this because the stimulant had proved to her it (love) happens.
Sounds like you've got some good ideas. What's the genre of the music?